Five Micronutrients You Need for Luscious Hair

Guest post by Tim McVicar

Hair is one of those physical features that many of us take for granted… until we start to lose it. Nothing can make a man feel more self-conscious or (gulp) feel older than looking in the mirror at this thinning hairline! Therefore, it’s no surprise that countless men are searching for a way to keep their soft and luscious locks. One way to maintain your hairline is by keeping your body healthy, with the right nutrients to promote healthy hair growth. There are many supplements for men out there that promise to do just that, but how can you be sure that those supplements are the real deal? 

The answer is simple: CHECK THE LABEL. If your supplements are going to deliver, they need to give your body the right micronutrients in the right dosages.

What are Micronutrients?

First, let’s talk about micronutrients. These are essential elements you find in foods and various supplements that help your body work effectively. Micronutrients help you stave off illness, revitalize your cells, and yes, even help your hair grow. Of course, you need the RIGHT micronutrients in your wellness routine to get that thick head of hair you want. Here are the top five micronutrients you need in your daily supplements:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps the cells in your body grow — including the cells on top of your head. A diet rich in vitamin A can result in a thick head of hair and a healthy scalp. This is because, in addition to promoting cell growth, vitamin A helps your skin produce sebum. This oily substance helps moisturize your scalp, giving you gorgeous hair.

You can get vitamin A from supplements like cod liver oil or nutrition-boosting capsules. However, filling your diet with foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, spinach, milk, eggs, and yogurt can also provide you with extra vitamin A!


If you’ve struggled with hair loss for a while, you’ve probably heard suggestions you try biotin. This advice isn’t unfounded; biotin is one of the best known micronutrients for hair growth.

Biotin is a B-vitamin, it helps create red blood cells. These blood cells then carry more oxygen and other nutrients to the scalp, giving your hair follicles a boost that typically results in thicker hair. 

Five Micronutrients You Need for Luscious Hair

While you can get B-vitamins (including biotin) from many foods like almonds, whole grains, and leafy greens, the best way to get B-vitamins in your diet is by eating lots of meat and seafood. Therefore, if you eat a largely plant-based diet, you might want to consider a biotin supplement as part of your daily routine. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another micronutrient we’ve heard a lot about lately. In the wake of COVID-19, some studies indicate that this micronutrient can bolster your immune system and even reduce your risk of contracting a serious case of the novel coronavirus.

Five Micronutrients You Need for Luscious Hair

However, vitamin D can also be beneficial for your hairline. Studies suggest that vitamin D helps create new hair follicles on the scalp, which gives hair tissue a place to grow. This news (coupled with the overall health benefits vitamin D provides) should be reason enough to make it part of your diet!

There are three ways to get vitamin D into your body: eating vitamin D-rich foods like fatty fish and mushrooms, spending time in direct sunlight, and taking supplements. If you want to encourage luscious hair growth, we suggest you do all three!


Like biotin, iron is a micronutrient that affects your red blood cells. Iron helps your blood cells carry oxygen more efficiently, making it essential for healthy hair growth. 

Five Micronutrients You Need for Luscious Hair

Additionally, anemia (a condition caused by iron deficiency) often results in hair loss — which if you ask us, proves that iron is a crucial micronutrient for your body! You can get this nutrient by eating a diet rich in eggs, red meat, mollusks like clams and oysters, spinach, and lentils. However, individuals suffering from low iron levels can also benefit from a daily iron supplement. Ask your healthcare provider to run a blood panel if you’re concerned about your iron levels.


Finally, the last micronutrient you need for healthy, beautiful hair is zinc. This mineral helps your body grow and repair tissue — and your hair is one of the largest tissues on your body. Additionally, zinc can help the oil glands on your scalp work effectively, keeping the skin on your head nice and healthy.

Five Micronutrients You Need for Luscious Hair

The best ways to get zinc in your body is through a diet of zinc-rich foods. These include spinach, pumpkin seeds, lentils, and red meat like beef. You can also take zinc supplements, but be careful; there are some reports that an excess of zinc may actually contribute to hair loss. 


If you’re worried about your thinning hair or receding hairline, don’t panic! With the right combination of diet, supplements, and health management, you can get back those gorgeous locks you had in your younger years.