The Ins And Outs Of Breathwork For Health And Fitness

Guest post by Miranda Shaffer

Often we find ourselves in situations where we get stressed out because of our daily activities. Be it activities like going to work, studying, taking care of the family, etc., we find ourselves in situations where we cannot relax properly. This is indicated by feeling restlessness and not being able to sleep. In times like these, we often forget to do the essential part of making ourselves feel less stressed out – breathing slowly and steadily. Breathing is an automated activity that controls our heartbeat and more. But more importantly, our emotions control how we live.

Therefore, a particular form of yoga exists called breathe yoga, which teaches you how to live in the best way possible and relieve yourself of any stress and tension. Read this article to find out how you can use breathing yoga exercises to your advantage.

Breathing Exercises For Muscle Tension Relief

Muscle tension is one of the most painful aspects of stress. Due to less time to relax and exercise due to improper work-life balance, many muscles get tensed, making them stiffer. Therefore, when we try to move out hands and legs, it may be painful for many because many of our muscles are tensed.

The Ins And Outs Of Breathwork For Health And Fitness

We recommend doing this exercise every morning right after you wake up. Follow these steps to do this yoga technique:

  • Stand straight up and bend forward from your waist.
  • Slightly bend your knees and keep them loose.
  • Inhale deeply and slowly in that position.
  • Get back up slowly, with your head being the last part of your body to lift straight up.
  • Exhale slowly, while lifting yourself back up.
  • Stretch your muscles and repeat three to four times.

Breathing Exercises For Side Pain

If you do a lot of physical activity like walking, running, sprinting, etc., every day, you might experience side pain in your lateral and back muscles. To make these muscles lose again after getting tensed up, we recommend doing a breathe yoga exercise called belly breathing.

Belly breathing means breathing with your mouth, not your nose. So how can you know if you are belly breathing or chest breathing? Lie down on your back and breathe with your mouth, deeply. If you see your belly rise up and down, then that is a sign that you are belly breathing if you use your chest to rise up and down, chest breathing.

The Ins And Outs Of Breathwork For Health And Fitness

Belly breathing is associated with deep breathing, while chest breathing is related to shallow breathing. So, if you want to know how to increase blood oxygen level, try belly breathing. This lets you get energized faster. Therefore, if you are walking or running, we recommend belly breathing to reduce its effects – side lateral pain. This is because belly breathing expands and contracts your side lateral muscles, making them more flexible and less tense. In addition, doing belly breathing every day makes those muscles more robust, which will lead to you facing less pain later on due to physical activities.

Breathing Exercises For Increased Energy

Instead of having coffee as the first thing every morning to help you get energized, try out this breathe yoga exercise instead. Also known as bellow breathing or stimulating breath technique, this breathing exercise makes your body alert and gets it energized. All you need to do is sit straight up and breathe in and breathe out to do this exercise. But wait, did we do this already? The answer is no. Instead of breathing in and out normally, you need to do it faster in rapid succession. Take shorter and faster breathes every time to inhale and exhale. This puts pressure on your diaphragm, which alerts the body of your nearby surroundings and makes you more focused.

Do this for about ten seconds, and then breathe normally for 30 seconds. Then do it again. Repeat this process a few times every morning after getting up from sleep.

Breathing Exercises For Relaxation

Probably an essential breathing exercise on this list, there exists many types of breathing exercises for relaxing your body. Breathing is necessary for calming yourself down and relaxing. This is why many people will say, “Take a deep breath,” whenever you get agitated. This is because deep breaths supply more oxygen to the breath, clearing away stress and tension and helping you think correctly. It also lets you have normal blood sugar levels.

The Ins And Outs Of Breathwork For Health And Fitness

Deep and slow breathing helps the body relax because it lowers your heartbeat blood pressure and decreases any tension that may have formed in your muscles. It lets you attain an energy manipulation superpower.

For relaxing, we recommend making the Quieting Response. This is a swift breathing exercise that takes only a few seconds. This involves some form of visualization, as you need to imagine air and energy flowing through you to make this work. You can also do this any time of the day, especially whenever you feel stressed. All you need to do is:

  • Close your eyes and smile inwards.
  • Release the tension in your shoulders.
  • Imagine and visualize air flowing inside you through holes in your soles.
  • Relax as your muscles one by one as the air moves from your legs to your chest.


Breathing exercises can help the body achieve higher levels of concentration and energy. This is because it increases the flow of oxygen in your system. This clears your head, making you stress-free and also letting you feel relaxed. Therefore, we recommend doing belly breathing, breathe together yoga, and quieting response.

The Ins And Outs Of Breathwork For Health And Fitness


Miranda Shaffer is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Miranda Shaffer is associated with Circle Box Blog, Plus Life Styles, Voice Of Action, Newss Toner, World Tech 24, Tech Mag News,& Proudly Updates .