How to Start Again With Your Weight Loss When You Failed In The Past

Guest post by Kevin Nelson

If you want to lose weight successfully, you must understand what separates those who lose weight and those who fail. You can follow many weight loss programs that don’t impede on your lifestyle that could help you lose weight.

Getting in shape requires commitment and discipline, which is one reason many people quit along the way. If you tried in the past and failed, you still have a chance to do it again. 

Here are weight loss tips to help you start again and maintain positive momentum. 

Recruit a Personal Trainer

If you tried losing weight and it did not work, you might need someone to boost your momentum and keep you on the right track. You must approach weight loss strategically for the effort to pay off. Hiring a personal trainer helps you find the perfect workout plan and will help you understand how to set goals and work towards them. 

How to Start Again With Your Weight Loss When You Failed In The Past

They will also assist you to avoid common mistakes, including going too hard or too fast, which causes injuries that see you avoid the gym for weeks. 

Find the Right Gym

Going to the gym is not enough if you want your weight loss programs to work. You need to find a gym with supportive staff who do more than just usher you into the facility. There is the staff who will share important advice to help you succeed.

How to Start Again With Your Weight Loss When You Failed In The Past

A gym that is a community of weight loss enthusiasts would be the ideal place to be. Most such gyms hold group activities that you can join, so you can keep coming back every week.

Don’t Set a Deadline

It may sound logical, but giving yourself a deadline sets you up for failure for several reasons. First, if you fail to see progress fast enough, you may decide to scrap the plan even when you made some progress. Second, you get stressed about the date, and this may work against you. 

How to Start Again With Your Weight Loss When You Failed In The Past

A deadline will only pressure you and trigger stress hormones. Stick to your plan, have fun, and celebrate the small milestones.

Build a Home Gym

A home gym allows you to exercise whenever you have some time. It’s suitable in situations when you miss your gym sessions and would like to keep working. You can find the best exercise equipment to start a small gym. It does not have to include fancy and expensive equipment. Even some basic tools such as a jump rope could help you stay fit while at home. 

Watch Your Diet

Your nutrition choices account for about 90% of your success, so if you don’t adopt a diet rich in weight loss foods, you might not see any gains from your gym sessions. Whether it’s calorie counting, keeping a food journal, or portion control, you need to know the nutritional and calorie breakdown of the foods you consume. 

How to Start Again With Your Weight Loss When You Failed In The Past

If you do not have enough essential elements, you can add weight loss supplements in the mix to ensure you don’t suffer a deficiency.

How to Stay Motivated

Retaining focus is something many people struggle with when pursuing weight loss. The secret is in finding physical activities and plans that you enjoy and look forward to. If you don’t enjoy working out in the morning, you can focus on working out in the evening. Also, if you would love company, you can invite a family member or join a group class.

How to Start Again With Your Weight Loss When You Failed In The Past

If you don’t enjoy doing it on the treadmill, you can find high-intensity training with varied movements. To maintain the momentum, don’t take away the things you love, but find a way to maintain them in your weight loss plan. You could still have that occasional pizza slice and lose weight. Just ensure to maintain a balance and go for options with the calories you need. 


Don’t give up on your weight loss journey, even if it never worked in the past. You could try new ideas that will accelerate your weight loss. Find motivation like joining a gym and getting a personal instructor. Also, embrace a weight loss diet to ensure your effort in the gym pays off.

What is your weight loss routine? Share ideas in the comments below. 


Author’s Bio:

Kevin has been writing content for about 3 years. He really wants to share his experiences and advice with anyone who cares about health and fitness. He enjoys helping people achieve their fitness goals with simple instructions and overcoming any obstacles on the way.