Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight?

Guest post by Chris Martin

There are a lot of benefits of drinking water. It is not only about quenching the thirst. But it will help you to lose weight as well. There is a question that people ask many times- Does drinking more water help you lose weight? There is a lot of fake information around the internet, but the simple answer is yes. In this article, you will find how much water to drink to lose weight from what are the reasons behind it. And finally, we will discuss the other benefits of drinking more water.

Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight

Water Functions

Before coming to the actual point, here you should do a few things when it comes to drinking water. First, always take a sip of water after waking up in the morning. When you sleep, there are almost 7 to 8 hours, and your body doesn’t receive any fluid, so it is important to drink water after waking up in the morning. Also, you should know that our body is filled up with 60% of water. There is more water than carbon. Water is a calorie-free liquid, yet it has immense benefits that we couldn’t even though about. The more you get hydrated all the time, the more your body will work properly. It helps to burn fat, boosts the metabolism, keeps our muscle elasticity, and many more.

Seven Different Ways That Water Helps Us To Lose Weight

When I was researching about the factor, even I was unaware of some of the facts. For example, I knew that water was beneficial when it came to losing weight. But the reasons behind this were unknown.

Most people ask, ‘how much water should you drink to lose weight?’ This depends on your BMI and your everyday work. If you regularly exercise, then four to five liters of water is enough, and if your daily work doesn’t consist of physical work, then three to four liters of water is enough.

Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight

Now coming to the answer of does drinking more water help you lose weight? Here are the seven reasons that drinking water can help us to lose weight.

1.   Suppress Appetite

Most of the time human brain gets confused between thirst and appetite. Suppose you haven’t eaten for almost two hours. After that, your body will need both food and water. But if you drink water before your meal, your body will consume less food. Thus it will help you to eat less. So every time you want to eat something, try to drink a glass of water before that.

2.   Stimulate Metabolism

The best thing that more water can do is it will boost your metabolism, and you will have the ability to break the food quickie and get the nutrition out of it in a regular way. I can give you an example of myself. I have been eating a lot more than a normal person from a very young age, but my metabolism is so high that I have never got fat. So, more water means more metabolism.

3.   Overall Liquid

Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight

There is a lot of liquid. There are a lot of different beverages that have way more calories in them. So if you drink more and more water, it will reduce your capability to consume other liquids, so that you will have no calorie intake. So, it will reduce intaking sugar, calories, preservatives, and many other unhealthy things.

4.   Water Helps To Exercise More

This is a complex thing that happens in our bodies. But, I will try to tell you the simpler version of it. See, when we exercise, our fat and muscle cells break down. And if we don’t drink enough water, then the process will be slower, and there is no benefit to working out. If you drink water, your exercise will be more effective, and it will boost your metabolism. It will help you to transform calories into energy and waste it.

5.   Remove Waste

More water is equal to more urine. See, if your body has proper fluid in it, then it can move things quickly inside it. It will boost kidney function and helps your body to remove any kind of harmful bacteria. Water can help you to prevent constipation, kidney stones, and bloating. One of the best things is there will be no kidney stones.

6.   Burning Fat

Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight

What does it mean that someone is getting fat? The simple answer is that when people eat food, the fat and carbs are not dissolving, or in other words, they are not burning. On the other hand, water helps your body to burn fat, and thus it prevents keeping more fats in your body.

7.   Reduce Stress

Can drinking water help you lose weight? Yes, there are so many benefits of drinking more water. Now you will ask me again, what is the relation between stress and losing fat? Drinking more water will reduce your stress and depression. So, your body will work properly. But, if you have any mental stress, then there will be so many difficulties that you can face.

To Conclude

Weight loss is not the only thing that water does. There are several benefits of drinking more water.

  • Water keeps your skin hydrated, so your skin looks brighter and shiny.
  • Water enhances your brain’s functionality.
  • One of the beneficial things that water does is that it makes balances our blood pressure.

Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight

I think I have given you the answer does drinking more water help you lose weight? If you still have anything to ask, feel free to let us know in the comment section below.

Thank you.

Author Bio

Chris Martin is a passionate blogger. He loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Chris martin is associated with Newsprofy, Techmagnews, Techrab, Worldtech24, Istanagreenworld, Circleboxblog,