6 Exercises You Can Do While Playing Games

Guest post by Tim David

If you feel the need to move, it does not mean that you have to neglect your valuable geek hobbies. It’s possible to burn fat, build muscles and stay out of the gym sometimes. It is possible to do a decent work out and play your favorite video games simultaneously. You are not going to be like Rock but you are continuing your fitness journey with gaming. Here are the 7 exercises to do while playing games:

Seated Scissors

Most of these exercises are to be done in a seated position and need to have a straight back and engaged core. Extend your legs like they were a tabletop to rest a virtual boy on. Then open and close them like a scissor. It should take an intense and proper posture to maintain so do it while a cut scene or game is downloading.

Ab Squeezes

6 Exercises You Can Do While Playing Games

Isometric exercises are not going to give you much in your way to cardio, but they can slowly get tightened and toned underused muscles and core mainly. One workout that is easy to do when playing a sort of ab squeeze and it involves sitting straight and contracting your upper and lower stomach in on itself, holding and releasing. For best results, do it with slower ab squeezes not fast one. If you want to play more and feeling fatigue, drink Yerba Mate energy drink for instant energy boost.

Zombies run

We know that you are no filthy casual but there are a few Smartphone apps that gamify exercise in interesting ways. Zombie Runs put you in well-worn speakers of survivor after the walking dead rise to snack on brains. You listen to the “mission” through your headphones and go for runs in the real world, picking up the pace when the undead get on your tail.

6 Exercises You Can Do While Playing Games

Completing the mission earns you different resources that you can use to play the game are other content.

Wall Sit

Just changing the way you sit while you play can engage muscles you did not know you had. Get up off the couch and place your back against the wall with your upper leg parallel to the floor, knees over ankles, and feet shoulder-width apart. The good news is that when you will be playing the game you will be helping you endure the muscle tension.

Arm Extensions

This is another one when the actions on the screen are not so frantic but they are great for anything to turn based. After you finished your orders in Xcom or finished a cycle in civilization, take your hands and let them hang at your knees. Raise them to your shoulders; out to a T position and back down to your sides then does it reverse. Once you are finished by the time AI should be done cogitating and you take another turn.

Dance Dance Revolution

6 Exercises You Can Do While Playing Games

Konami’s rhythm action is popular these days. But literally, hundreds of testimonials have been used to shed unwanted pounds. But, physical movement is so inextricably linked to your success or failure on each song, that there is no way to do well in the game without exercising. You can easily buy a DDR pad for most of the last generation consoles, there is a freeware alternative for PCs as well. If you feel tired while playing, have a Mate Mate energy drink for a natural energy boost with low caffeine and sugar content.

Wrap up

Playing video games has always been in trend and these days exercising with games are making them a healthy alternative. Physical exercise with games increases your strength, mobility, and endurance. One can play games and maintain his physical strength if plays consciously. It fulfills your passion spirit and also keeps a balance with body, mind, and spirit.