10 Expert Tips for a Clearer, Acne-Free Skin

That little red spot again! Soon it will grow into a painful pimple. You will find it impossible to work on your assignment (as the urge to pop it will drive you crazy). What if you never had to worry about pimples anymore? How wonderful would it be if you could get clear, spotless skin? Well, it is not impossible to achieve it.

Today, I present to you some expert tips that will definitely help you prevent breakouts:

#1 Know your skin type

The very first thing that you need to do is identify your skin type. Oily skin breaks out because the sebaceous glands create a lot of oily sebum. If you have combination skin, then also, you can experience breakouts as well. People with this skin have both oily and dry areas on their face. Usually, the t-zone, that is your forehead, nose, and chin, tend to be the oiliest.

When you know what skin type you have, you can select the right products for yourself. It is essential if you want to stop your skin from breaking out. Here is how you can check your skin type:

  • Wash your skin and go to sleep the night before without applying any product on your face.
  • Next day, blot your face. Use a blotting paper and place it on your forehead, t-zone, cheeks, under the eyes, jaw area, etc.
  • If the blotting paper picks up too much oil from all the areas of your face, you have oily skin.
  • If only a few areas of your face have too much oil, but, the other areas are tight, then you have combination skin.
  • If you have an average amount of oil on the blotting paper, this means you have normal skin.
  • Lastly, if the blotting paper has little to no oil on it, then you have dry skin.

10 Expert Tips for a Clearer, Acne-Free Skin

#2 Keep your skin squeaky clean

The key to having acne free skin is to keep your skin clean. You should clean the skin to remove excess oil, dead skin cells, and any kind of dirt.

This way, you can keep the pimple-causing bacteria away. You must clean your face twice daily with a gentle cleanser. Use a face wash that has salicylic acid in it.  You can try the Olay Total Effects Anti-Blemish Daily Cleanser.

#3 Keep your hair dirt free

Your hair falls on your face all the time. If it is not clean enough, it can contaminate the oils produced on your skin and cause infection. If you are used to having pimples near your hairline, washing your hair regularly can help you get rid of that. Try to use a gentle cleanser or mild shampoo to wash your hair.

#4 Moisturize your skin

Most people with oily skin believe that they don’t need to moisturize their skin. It is a notion that is completely wrong. Even if you have oily skin, you must keep it moisturized regularly. For oily skin, it is best to use gel-based moisturiszers that have no oil in it.

Look for one that has ‘non-comedogenic’ written on it. This means that the product will not block the pores on your face. A good moisturizer would be the Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel.

10 Expert Tips for a Clearer, Acne-Free Skin

#5 Drink plenty of water

You must stay hydrated all the time if you wish to keep acne away. If you are not hydrated, your oil glands will produce more oil. Other than this, you can also get redness, inflammation, and a dull appearance. Try to drink a minimum of eight glasses of water every day to stay hydrated. Have more water if you have to stay in a hot environment for a long time.

#6 Don’t touch or pop your pimples

Yes, we have all seen those gross, yet satisfying pimple popping videos! However, don’t try that on your skin. Touching or popping your pimples is the last thing you want to do. It will only worsen your condition. Your hand contains hundreds of bacteria and impurities. If you touch your face, the dirt will clog the pores and make pimple appear or worsen the condition of a fresh pimple. If you pop your pimple, it will leave a scar which might be difficult to remove. Try to limit the time you touch your face and keep your hands clean.

#7 Don’t wear too much makeup

If you are breaking out, it would be better to avoid wearing makeup. Maybe a little eye makeup and lipstick will be enough.

If you want to wear makeup, always apply a primer underneath. Don’t apply foundation or powder directly to your face. Do wash off the makeup and clean your face before going to bed. Try to use makeup that does not contain any oil in it. Consider your skin type before buying your makeup.

10 Expert Tips for a Clearer, Acne-Free Skin

#8 Use topical Retinoid

Products that contain medicine made from vitamin A, are topical retinoids. Dermatologists prescribe these to prevent acne. You can use it to reduce inflammation and get rid of extra dead skin cells.

Some topical retinoids like tazarotene (Tazorac) and Tretinoin (Retin-A, Renova) can only be bought if you have a prescription. You should consult with your dermatologist before using any of the above-mentioned medicines.

#9 Eat healthy foods

You must have come across the saying “what we eat reflects on our skin.” The saying is not a myth after all. According to a research, certain patients might trigger the appearance of acne by having some specific food. If you are prone to pimples, try to avoid food that has high carbohydrates or are sugary. Avoid consuming the following:

  • Whey protein
  • Coconut oil
  • High-glycemic foods
  • Dairy

Eat more of these to get a clearer skin:

  • Foods containing zinc like cashew nuts
  • Probiotics that can be found in pickles, kombucha, and sauerkraut
  • Antioxidants found in berries and dark greens
  • Omega-3 fatty acid containing foods like walnuts and salmon

#10 Use over the counter acne treatments

You can cure pimples by using over-the-counter treatments. You can prevent acne by using products that contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, etc. You should use these products as a spot treatment and control breakouts. Give your pimple the time to heal and always follow your dermatologist’s instructions.

Now that you know the expert tips to prevent breakouts, follow them to get rid of those annoying pimple problems. Here’s hoping your efforts bless you with clear and flawless skin. Keep shining!


Author’s Bio

Gracie Anderson is a certified skin care expert who recently published her book on skincare products. When she is not busy with her CPM Homework, she loves to go for adventure sports and spend time with her family.