10 Thoughts Running Through My Head Inside a Dressing Room

For some women, shopping is a sport. We have all seen them running around in and out of shops, with facial expressions that prove they know what they are doing, what they want and from where they can get it.

10 Thoughts Running Through My Head Inside a Dressing Room

For other women, and I put myself here very confidently, shopping is a mind-boggling event that causes stress, physical fatigue and a feeling that we would rather give blood than step into another dressing room.

It doesn’t mean we don’t like fashion, but for some of us, the dressing room is like having to go through one body pounding workout session just so we can eat that cookie without feeling guilty. So how bad is the dressing room experience for some of us? Well, as an ode to this stressful little place, I thought I would list the ten thoughts that are always running through my head in a dressing room.

Why am I not sitting on my sofa and shopping online?

I have a tendency to forget quite quickly how much I hate shopping in an actual shop because although I love shopping online and I have found some amazing online stores that have the clothes that suit my style, I still get this crazy idea in my head that I need to experience “real life shopping” by going to an actual store once in a while.10 Thoughts Running Through My Head Inside a Dressing Room

Why are the lights here always so unflattering?

Seriously, why are the spotlights so bright and why does my face look yellow in the dressing room?

Why is it always so hot?

Even on cold winter days, those darn spotlights make the dressing room so stuffy and warm and they make us all want to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Couldn’t they afford two more inches of fabric for the curtain?

It’s like they enjoy having the bodies of their customers peeking through the sides of the dressing room since the curtain material never quite makes it from one end to the other.

Where do I hang my clothes?

You would think they would add more than just one hanger where we can hang our actual clothes while trying on the new ones.

10 Thoughts Running Through My Head Inside a Dressing Room

Should I fold everything back as it was?

Clearly, a dilemma because you want to be nice to the salesgirl who keeps bringing you different sizes to try on and to follow the etiquette but who wants to fold or hang clothes outside of their home? I barely even hang and fold my own clothes at home!

I shouldn’t have eaten that cookie from the bakery next door…

Even on my good days, when I am feeling at my most confident, the dressing room will make me hate something about my body and make me regret anything that I have eaten.

Or the ice cream…

The guilt trudges on in the dressing room and it can change our mood so quickly and take us to a new low.10 Thoughts Running Through My Head Inside a Dressing Room

I am never shopping in a shop again

I have said this multiple times and I think I mean it, except a silk blouse hanging in the shop window or a midi dress will always lure me back to the dressing room.

Maybe it will look better in my bedroom mirror

Sometimes it really does, but other times I have to hit myself on the head for even thinking such a thing and go back to the store to return the item.

What are some of the things that pass through your head in a dressing room? Share below!