5 Golden Shopping Rules That You Must Know

We all love to go shopping, but let’s be honest as much as it’s fun and exciting it is hard and demanding as well. Without a good plan and discipline, we can get burned.

Are you always making the same mistakes as the last time? Are you always spending more than you can afford and afterwards you are in a bad mood because you let the frenzy taken over you? We’ve all been there and done that. But don’t worry too much because, with a strong plan and clear head, you can make shopping easier, quicker and smarter. Just follow these basic and simple shopping rules and you will see the difference right away!

(1) 5 Golden Shopping Rules That You Must Know

Make A Shopping List

Make a detailed shopping list of what you need, before you leave your home. If you go unprepared you will easily get distracted by things that you may like at first sight, but you don’t really need.

That’s why the best solution is making a list with few priority categories. So open your wardrobe and start writing what you really need urgently and what can wait. The key of successful shopping is buying the most necessary stuff first.

Go Early

Morning is the perfect time for shopping. The shops are less crowded, everything is tidy so you can easily find what you are looking for, there aren’t huge lines before the dressing room and the shop assistants aren’t tired so they will help you with everything you need.

Set A Budget And Leave Your Credit Card At Home

If you don’t want to overspend like the last time, then set a budget before you leave your home. Leave your credit card at home and take only cash with you. This way you won’t spend more than planned. We all know that awesome shopping feeling when we don’t care about anything and we just want to buy, buy and buy. But we also know how that story ends when we realize what we have done.

Set A Timeframe

The best way not to spend the whole day at the mall is to set a time-frame. Nobody has time for wasting, so instead of wandering around the shops, try to value your time and be more effective. The best way to do this is to schedule a coffee time with a friend far away from the mall, so you would have to finish your shopping and get there on time.

Sale < What You Really Need

Always buy something because you want it and need it, not because it is on sale. This is something that you must remember. Don’t throw your money away just because something is 40% off the regular price. You can use that money for buying something that you actually need.

A Few Bonus Tips:

  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Always go alone
  • Check the stores return policy
  • Make few breaks
  • Don’t go hungry
  • Don’t go when you are mad or upset